Do 3 December 2015
Waar: Grote zaal
20:30 - 21:30 uur
Aanvang: 21:00 uur
Ticket: €5,- Deur: €6,50
Genre: Comedy
Note: Limited amount of seats available. At a Stranger Things show, you never know what to expect. Neither do they. Stranger Things Have Happened is an English-speaking improv comedy group. For over five years, they have been one of the leading improv groups in the country, playing hundreds of comedy shows ranging from small clubs to big theatres, both nationally and internationally. Improv comedy involves scenes that are made up on the spot by the actors, usually inspired by suggestions taken from the audience. The result is a unique and fresh show that remains unpredictable for both the audience and the performers. Now, they have joined the line-up of Simplon, performing a full-length improv comedy show every first Thursday of the month! If you’re an ESN member, you can get discounted tickets at the ESN office for €4 or at our website! |