Za 22 December 2018
Waar: Kleine zaal
23:59 - 05:00 uur
Aanvang: 23:59 uur
Ticket: €8,50 Deur: €10,-
Genre: Afrohouse
Leeftijd: 18+
Voorverkoopinfo: Prijzen incl. €1,- servicekosten Koop tickets
.ROOTED Events is organising the .ROOTS Afrohouse Tropical Special on Saturday 22 December. This night is not like your typical night, because for this event we’ve planned out a surprise. We invited the most talented trumpeter to guide us through the forest night. Imagine a night with trumpet sounds and cool but still warm Afrohouse and Tropical afro/caribbean sounds and vibes. So now you know what the vibes will be like. #BETHERE LINE-UP |