Vr 6 Mei 2022
Waar: Grote zaal
23:59 - 05:00 uur
Aanvang: 23:59 uur
Ticket: €10,- Deur: €12,-
Genre: Eclectic
Leeftijd: 18+
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▲ Acid, UK Garage, Footwork, Breakbeat, Jungle, Techno, Bass, Trance, House and everything in between. ▲ After recovering from a completely insane and sold-out edition, Ongehoord is glad to announce that their monthly dance journey continues on Friday the 6th of May! They’ll be joined by no one less than JEANS, who will bring the vibes of illegal rave parties to the comfort of our own Simplon. This guy is into blending styles and grooves into something that is really new and surprising, which makes him a perfect fit for the vision of Ongehoord and of what a rave should be. “I really like the effect when people get lost in sound for a while. I also really like it in DJ sets when unexpected things happen…”. And of course, the Ongehoord residents will be there as well to play the biggest bangers they have found so far. Prepare yourself to jump from techno to breaks, from trance to footwork to whatever our residents feel like spinning. Nothing remains unheard at Ongehoord. The previous few editions had all been sold out, so make sure to get your tickets in advance so you won’t have to miss out! ▲ Line Up ▲ ▲ VJ ▲ ▲ Entry ▲ ▲ Poster/Artwork ▲ |