Do 15 April 2021
Waar: Grote zaal
20:30 - 23:30 uur
Aanvang: 21:00 uur
Ticket: €3,- Deur: €3,-
Genre: Indie / Grunge
Nebenschau is a fresh indie band that effortlessly blends the musical highlights from the 60s, 70s and 90s into a fuzzy, dreamy indie rock cocktail. Expect exciting shoegaze à la DIIV and Slowdive, with a hint of raw grunge and psychedelic rock. This new four-piece band from Groningen doesn’t need oxygen. It only breaths Grunge. Their name Drowning Echo says it all and sucks you almost immediately into a new depression. Sometimes slowly, gross and stretched out. And sometimes as fast as brick smashes through your bedroom window. Double female-fronted they’ll scream their hearts out, whilst you’ll be left standing in their drowning echo. |