Di 18 April 2023
Waar: Grote zaal
19:30 uur
Aanvang: 20:00 uur
Genre: Pop / Rock
On April 18th it’s time again for the KEIxUsva Bandcontest in Simplon! They have selected four diverse and amazing bands to battle for the following prize: a chance to perform at the KEI-week and to win a day in the studio! The jury will choose the one and only winner. You can see the following bands shine at the Bandcontest: De Koots is a Dutch indie-pop band blending the best of the 60s and 70s with modern indie to create their own fresh sound. They sing about the struggles and adventures of young adults in a turbulent time on top of groovy tunes! Basement Four is a band that has been playing together for more than 4 years, composing their own songs. Their favorite way of playing is by jamming, making instrumental pop and jazz from scratch. Recently they are focused on combining raps with own instrumental beats! Sepple is a Groningen based band with a Pop-Fusion sound. The groovy drums in combination with funky bass lines causes a tight fundament for an up-tempo banger. Their sound gets further defined by a background primarily in Jazz and Pop music, underlined by funk. This mix makes it nearly impossible not to dance! Bibi and the Boys have songs that consist of grooving verses and rough choruses which form the perfect combination to go completely crazy. The band flaunts their excessive amount of energy to anyone willing to hear. Having fun is one of the band’s most top priorities, especially on stage where they sure know how to convey this to the audience. Come by at Simplon and enjoy an evening filled with live music! |