Za 10 September 2022
Waar: Grote zaal
23:59 - 05:00 uur
Aanvang: 23:59 uur
Ticket: €14,-
Genre: Bass
Leeftijd: 18+
It took them a little while, but the guys from Bassface finally recovered from their last edition with Overview Music. They are ready to present what they think is their biggest line-up in 9 years of Bassface! Flying over from France and signed to Alix Perez’ 1985 Music, we’re super excited to present to you: Visages! They’ve developed their own unique style, ranging from techy bangers with Monty & Strategy, Amoss and Kyrist, to super vibey rollers and heavy 140 tracks. We’re already looking forward to this fresh mix of drum&bass & dubstep, destroying the Simplon dancefloor. The line-up doesn’t stop there. We’re also bringing Austrian producer En:vy over to Simplon! Exploding onto the scene a couple years ago, everything this guy touches turns into gold. Releasing on Flexout Audio and Overview Music, he was picked up by the big guys at Critical Music resulting in an insane ‘Pegasos’ EP and a recent collab with label boss Kasra himself. The artists above will be supported by Yannons, Ecrip b2b Bizmuth and the Bassface Crew themselves. |