Do 12 December 2019
Waar: Bovenzaal
20:30 - 23:30 uur
Aanvang: 21:30 uur
Ticket: €3,- Deur: €3,-
Genre: Rock
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Whole, Holy and also Michael. This band has been on my wish list of bands that Tjesse and Maarten play in for quite some time now. Together with several others, this group of friends account for most of the quality post 70’s rock output in Groningen. Michael – Mike for friends – preaches for more time to thyself, preferably in wooded surroundings in order to cope with modern life’s awkward truths. We are honored to have this otherworldly sounding psych-folkmonster over for the first – and presumably last – time. But don’t to be sad, afterwards they will simply transform in a different band. PS: We are waiting for a Sprokkelhout Reünion. Topanga sounds like tasty fuzz, synth work, your favorite krautrock rhythm and distortion on each line. These four Belgians have proven their worth in their underground music scene. I can be certain of this as frontman Bram was able to summarize every significant bar and venue around the country. In 2018 they released a self-titled EP and played Humo’s Rock Rally. With no prior attendance of a performance, I will already call them underrated. Show your fellow Belgian some love at UP. |