Vr 9 Februari 2024
Waar: Bovenzaal
19:45 uur
Aanvang: 20:15 uur
Ticket: €4,- Deur: €4,-
Genre: Pop
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It’s that time again, the VRIJDAG Bands can finally present their work in the upstairs room of Simplon! VRIJDAG is the home of amateur art for Groningen. They offer workshops, courses, and lessons in music, theater, and visual arts. The VRIJDAG Bands are one of the many projects of the organization. Under the guidance of coaches Julius Jonker, Arnout Baard, and Selim Boukhris, the bands work hard on their individual skills, teamwork, and overall performance. All that hard work has paid off, and they want to share it with the world! That’s why the chosen bands of this year will come to Simplon on February 9 for a brand-new edition of this annual event. Now it’s the turn for the children and young people to show what they’ve got! For more information about this event and other projects of VRIJDAG, check out the link! The Line-up:
It promises to be another exciting evening, with various types of music, from original songs to covers. |