Do 27 September 2018
Waar: Grote zaal
20:00 - 23:00 uur
Aanvang: 20:30 uur
Ticket: €16,- Deur: €18,-
Genre: Hiphop
Voorverkoopinfo: Prijzen incl. €1,- servicekosten Koop tickets
The hiphop gigants from Queens, New York, The Beatnuts, are coming to Simplon! The group originates from the golden age of hip hop en this is certainly noticeable. They are able to keep a playful tone in their music, they are brash, straightforward and make offensive but ultimately good-humored hip hop. The Beatnuts released their debut album ‘Intoxicated Demons in 1993. The album was a big success and it resulted in the group becoming increasingly more well-known and famous. They released their latest album ‘Milk Me’ in 2004. The Beatnuts are the only Latino members of the Native Tongues collective. This is a collective of late 1980s and early 1990s hip-hop artists known for their positive-minded, good-natured lyrics, and for the use of eclectic sampling and later jazz-influenced beats. The group is well-known for its heavy beats and party-ready lyrics. Hence they give unique and energetic live shows that you just don’t want to miss! |