Geannuleerd: Rookruimte Uitvaart - Simplon

Geannuleerd: Rookruimte Uitvaart

Simplon UP

Di 31 Maart 2020
Waar: Bovenzaal Open: 20:30 - 01:00 uur Aanvang: 20:30 uur Ticket: €3,- Deur: €3,- Genre: Rokerig

Starting on the first of April, we have to close our smoking room. This night UP wants to pay tribute to a friend to many, one you could always rely on. Whether it be cold outside, or you didn’t like the music playing inside, or perhaps simply needed a break, you could turn to the smoking area where you probably met some great lunatics and friends, perhaps for life. It is time to throw this unique place a dignified funeral, before it turns into another office space. All this will take place inside the smoking area, with live music, good company and the remaining capacity of your lungs.