Ongehoord - Simplon


ft. Thys

Vr 2 Juni 2023
Waar: Grote zaal Open: 23:59 - 05:00 uur Aanvang: 23:59 uur Ticket: €5,- Genre: Eclectic Leeftijd: 18+
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Beatman extraordinair, sergeant scheurbass or as we know him most dear; Thijs, has something to celebrate! Of course this is about the enigmatic Groninger; THYS, who is one of Ongehoord’s regular DJ booth invaders. When the idea of a B-Day Bash arose, a slight tingle went through their crew. “This might just become one of those parties that will be talked about in the following years”… So hell yeah! You ready?! Here we go! 

Ongehoord presents on the 2nd of June THYS’ BIRTHDAY BASH, with the man of the hour throwing heat for 3 hours! He will bring a lot of his friends too, so this is bound for absolute mayhem.

The ticketprices will be kept low at €5,- so jump on the bandwagon a.s.a.p.