Za 5 Mei 2018
Waar: Grote zaal
23:59 - 05:00 uur
Aanvang: 23:59 uur
Ticket: €5,- Deur: €5,-
Genre: Electro / Beats / Techno / Drum & Bass
Leeftijd: 18+
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Are you not finished dancing after the Bevrijdingsfestival? Come and celebrate your freedom at Ongehoord. Do you love electronic music but dislike purism? Then this is THE party for you! We blend many different styles into a 5 hour rave party. Beats from the near future and classics from a not so distant past, expect ‘m all! Complementing the cross-border music are the VJ’s Liza Verboon en Wendy Eggen who are as big a part of the party as our DJ team. |