Inner Cabala + Boys Club - Simplon

Simplon UP
Inner Cabala + Boys Club

Do 21 December 2023
Waar: Bovenzaal Open: 20:30 uur Aanvang: 21:00 uur Ticket: €3,- Deur: €3,- Genre: Post-Punk / Indie Rock
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Inner Cabala is a post-rock band from the Netherlands. This international group of musicians found each other in the heart of Groningen, where they worked tirelessly at their own music and sound. Their songs draw clear inspiration from bands like Mogwai, Leprous and Brutus. Inner Cabala likes to combine post-metal, hard rock and rock ballads into their own unique style. With their compelling energy and eccentric frontman they are capable of drawing you into their story. Inner Cabala started in the late autumn of 2021 from the desire of Alessandro (previously known as RossoMaltempo) and the former Loud Simplicity’s: Alex, Sid and Dennis of writing new original music. Soon enough, the writing process steered resolutely towards a blend of heavy riffs and clean parts which, once combined together, led to post-rock sounding compositions. Pim Limburg, already the singer of Feral Tides, joined the band in September 2022, adding the final touch with his creative vocal melodies. The project developed in the following months while the songs came together, finally leading to the first show of this new formation in a crowded Buckshot Café (Groningen), in July 2023. Now it’s their turn to conquer Simplon UP!

The BOYS CLUB experience is one that you can’t possibly forget. This four headed post-punk band based in Groningen uses precise technical skill, combined with a raw, often unpredictable, primal essence, to slowly but surely become one of the most recent big promises in the modern post-punk
space. Their genre influences cascade from Country to Black metal, while at the right times still maintaining pop sensibilities. With an erratic setlist that is guaranteed to always keep you guessing what the next move is going to be, they are bound to keep you interested until the last ringing note. Don’t let the
amateurish get-up and gear fool you, because you are in for a real trip. BOYS CLUB exists of Justin Suande (guitar & vocals), Abraham (keys & vocals), Paul de Boer (drums) and Ben van der Laan (bass).

‘’BOYS CLUB can be a challenge to mix because it’s kind of like working with ten bands in one set (how cool is that?). Foremost we are a band that have little empathy or regard for people without earplugs at the show. Bass is very essential to our composition because we treat bass like a second guitar. We like to be loud and abrasive! There are of course softer and more mellow songs where that train of thought flies out the window. But overall, rather too loud than too soft!’’

A Simplon UP edition bound to write history with a newly found sound.

~ Eva & Doris