Vr 18 Oktober 2019
Waar: Bovenzaal
20:00 - 23:00 uur
Aanvang: 20:30 uur
Ticket: €11,-
Genre: Indie / Folk
Ticket sales will start on Friday 24 May at 10:00 a.m. It will be a promising year for the South African singer-songwriter Sean Koch. After the release of his debut EP “Natural Projection” he toured no less than four times through Europe with his band. Sean Koch has previously performed at festivals such as MadNes, Surfana and Mundial. Now he is coming back for a headline tour to celebrate the release of his upcoming debut album “Your Mind Is A Picture”! Sean Koch grew up in a small village on the South Atlantic. Together with friends like Jeremy Loops and Alice Phoebe Lou he spent a lot of time on his surfboard and you can hear this in his music. With his co-songwriter Shaun Cloete he has managed to develop a refreshing surf / folk sound and with the band members Adrian Fowler and Dean Bailey the live experience is complete. They promise to take the South African sun with them to warm the venue to subtropical temperatures! JPson comes with them as support, also from South Africa. He too grew up with an ocean full of surfing pleasure in his back yard. On the beach, he taught himself to play the guitar. Influences of folk and roots music are baked in very nicely and his recent EP “Coming Home” is a good confirmation of this. |