Do 5 Maart 2020
Waar: Bovenzaal
20:30 - 23:30 uur
Aanvang: 21:30 uur
Ticket: €3,- Deur: €3,-
Genre: Jazz
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A special UP is coming! This time we welcome two jazz acts by bass player and producer Alessandro Mazzieri. As the first act of the evening Alessandro Mazzieri will give a solo performance under the name Perfect Ciclo. Expect a set where wild and minimal rhythms will merge with textural soundscapes. Casa Rall (1415) is the name of the quartet composed by Leonardo Grimaudo (guitar), Alessandro Mazzieri (bass), Ruggero Di Luisi (drums) and Luca Sguera (piano) as fourth member. These four gentlemen dare to experiment and improvise live. They guarantee you an intense live experience! |