Do 13 Februari 2020
Waar: Bovenzaal
20:30 - 23:30 uur
Aanvang: 21:30 uur
Ticket: €3,- Deur: €3,-
Genre: Indie Rock
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The’s two and a half Frisian giants are not visiting Groningen for the first time, and that’s for a reason. Pendants is funky, indierock, synthesizers and contagiously danceable! A mix of pure 80’s Talking Heads with some modern Foals vibes. With their brand new EP “Moonshine” the band explores the rough edges in the universe of this genre, and you’ll see that a guitar here and there is absolutely not out of place. UP and away we go on a journey with Pendants! The eighties are full of guilty pleasures, and so is The Cherees. With a typical dark synthy sound and a pushing The Cure like groove they lead the way to a new dimension. These four Groninger singer–songwriters; Arnold Nieborg (The Monroes) on guitar, Fiona van Gelder (BoogieChillers) on bass, Julia Bekker (OOO) on the drums en Moniek Steenbergen on keys, are your pilots through the night. |