Do 23 Januari 2020
Waar: Bovenzaal
20:30 - 23:30 uur
Aanvang: 21:30 uur
Ticket: €3,- Deur: €3,-
Genre: Punk
Koop tickets
Impedance is important, and the name of this band ( Ohmns) from Liverpool serves as a friendly reminder that they will be bringing high currency resistance to our stage (Which means loud playing). Whilst browsing their bandcamp I found a self released tape that comes with a bag of rice; of course ‘the rice tape’. It is no coincedence that these are two of my favourit things and without further ado, we sent them an invitation. Fortunately, actually listening to their music showed that they can surely play and seem to love punk. You may expect deafening, rattleclashing guitar music which has proven to be essential to Groningen for so many years. Therefore we anticipate that you come in large numbers, tell your friends, bring earplugs, and optionally water for the rice. DEUTSCHE MARK is described as No Wave, Noise, Kraut and Muscular Ambient. For rare guys, weed smokers and alcohol drinkers! |