Do 27 Februari 2020
Waar: Bovenzaal
20:30 - 23:30 uur
Aanvang: 21:30 uur
Ticket: €3,- Deur: €3,-
Genre: Indie / Jazz
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It’s time to start dreaming, because Farbenfroh is going to take you on a trip to a fairy-tale world. Original stories written by vocalist Helene Richter accompanied by bassclarinet, flute, viola, cello and contrabass. Similar to bands like Björk, Tin Hat Trio and Mr. Bungle this will be a trip through genres, from neofolk to avant-pop, from cabaret to improvisation. Famous from Mr Wallace, Renske de Boer is going to show us what she has been working on. With an old-school Yamaha keyboard and a Boss Vocal Performer she is going to share her new compositions with us. Esat Ekincioğlu, one of Renske’s good friends and the bassist of Farbenfroh will join her for a few songs as duo. |