Hidden Giants + Sammi Cool - Simplon

Simplon UP
Hidden Giants + Sammi Cool

Do 31 Oktober 2024
Waar: Bovenzaal Open: 20:30 uur Aanvang: 21:00 uur Ticket: €3,- Genre: Indie, Pop, Blues, Funk, Soul
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Hidden Giants

Hidden Giants is an experienced DIY indie pop band from Groningen. They first started as a duo in a home studio, and have grown into an active, full band. In their songs – by the way, self-written and self-produced! – you can hear the inspiration of musical geniuses like Jeff Buckley, Radiohead, Snow Patrol and Saybia. The musicians from Hidden Giants have been working on the release of their first full band DIY album, “We Are The Ocean,” with successful national and international releases of the singles “Silent Waters,” “Call It A Day” and “Brand New”. The title is based on the quote by writer Ryunosuke Satoro: ‘Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.’ ‘We Are The Ocean’ refers to the band: stronger together than alone. But in the songs, they address that theme more broadly, focusing on society and the world. ‘Have faith in each other, respect other people’s opinions or peculiarities, have an eye for the beautiful little things and don’t give up when things get tough. Together we can make something beautiful out of life,’ Hidden Giants said. The album will be available to listen to via all streaming services starting in late October. 

Admire many of Hidden Giants’ songs and let them take you through their lyrics on October 31st at Simplon UP!


Sammi Cool 

Sammi Cool is a four-piece band from Groningen that has been making music together since early 2023. Their sound is not easily captured; influences of neo-soul, blues and funk flow together to form a whole with a subtle singer-songwriter sass. During a concert, their unique use of language and beautiful words draw you into the intimate lyrics featuring unique melodies. Sammi Cool aims to launch their first LP on Spotify in 2025. But first, the band will perform at Simplon UP! Stop by and enjoy the calm soulfulness that arises from their music.