Larry Gus - Simplon

Larry Gus

Vr 13 September 2019
Waar: Bovenzaal Open: 20:30 - 22:30 uur Aanvang: 21:15 uur Ticket: €11,- Deur: €11,- Genre: Experimental
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Awkwardly he jumps back and forth between the audience and the stage, turns knobs, drumsticks are flying around and his chaotic set-up of plugs and wires looks like it could catch fire any moment. This crazy Greek named Larry Gus is a born live performer driven by fear, humiliation, and fiasco. In an ingenious way, he has managed to turn failures into a true art that suits him very well. With his drum and sample computers, he builds up his music layer by layer and adds one sample after the other. In the meantime, he sings, dances and jumps as if he is standing alone in his bathroom in front of the mirror.

Panagiotis Melidis is the name that he was given at birth. Since this name is hard to pronounce outside of his home area, he started writing music under the name of Larry Gus. With the permission of his wife, he quit his study and turned completely to making music. He made five albums in one year and ended up at major festivals such as Lowlands and Best Kept Secret. In between his musical bumbling, he makes harsh jokes that create a wonderfully awkward atmosphere that Larry Gus himself probably likes the most.